~ 2 min read

Woe is me

Oh dear, today has not been good…

After missing Church this morning, I proceeded to backup most of my hard disk onto my old ATA100 so that I could revert my main ATA150 partition back to a “simple” partition, so I *might * be able to install Linux.

After spending the best part of the afternoon backing up, I proceeded to download a partition tool to manage my partitions if Linux couldn’t handle it. I fired it up to take a look and thought it might be a good idea to tidy up my old disk while I was there ready for Tim’s pc when I build it. That proved to be an extremely bad idea……

The merge operation failed – causing xp to have a fit on reboot, scanning the whole of my h/d. After that, (maybe an hour or so), a reboot showed nothing on either disk – oh dear….

After spending the majority of the evening trying to get Dave’s pc (after a Mandrake install) to see my now buggered hard drive, I gave up and reformatted the whole disk. Now I have to recoup about 6 month’s worth of lost downloads…

Maybe I should of made the effort to get to Church……seems I am being persecuted……